Glass Bibliography

Statistics - Totals

Total resources:  1864
Total quotes:  5
Total paraphrases:  0
Total musings:  2

Highest number of views for any resource:  3395
Lowest number of views for any resource:  679

Date the first resource was added:  2010-12-17 14:56:27
Date the last resource was added:  2013-06-18 03:59:35
Mean date of added resources:  2011-11-04 08:53:18.7140

Number of Resource Types:
Book   1836 (98.5%)
Film   8 (0.4%)
Audiovisual   5 (0.3%)
Patent   4 (0.2%)
Magazine Article   4 (0.2%)
Journal Article   3 (0.2%)
Web Article   2 (0.1%)
Book Article   1 (0.1%)
Conference Paper   1 (0.1%)
wikindx 6.0.8 ©2003-2020 | Total resources: 1864 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Database queries: 21 | DB execution: 0.13998 secs | Script execution: 0.32672 secs