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Walker, A. (1987). Scent bottles. UK: Shire Albums. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2010-12-26 11:22:26)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2010-12-26 11:23:56)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780852639092
BibTeX citation key: Walker1987a
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Categories: Bottles and Scents
Keywords: History, Perfume
Creators: Walker
Publisher: Shire Albums (UK)
Views: 8/861
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Popularity index: 5.5%
Perfume has been used in religious ceremony and also in medicine, for it was believed to have the power to ward off illness. Elaborately chased silver pomanders were carried during times of plague. This book traces the history of the scent bottle from the alabaster containers of ancient Egypt to mass-produced commercial bottles. 32 pages 55 b/w. ISBN Number: 9780852639092. Editions/printings: 1992, 1999, 2002, 2004.
Added by: biblioadmin  Last edited by: biblioadmin
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