Glass Bibliography

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Cousen, A., & Hodkin, F. W. (1925). A text book of glass technology. UK: Constable & Co. Ltd. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2010-12-23 05:27:33)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2010-12-23 05:31:43)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Cousen1925a
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Categories: General (World), Glass Technology, Industrial Glass, Scientific / Laboratory
Keywords: Technology
Creators: Cousen, Hodkin
Publisher: Constable & Co. Ltd. (UK)
Views: 10/978
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Popularity index: 6%
Excellent standard work that is still in use by students of glass technology and history. Foreword by Professor W. E. Turner. 564 pages 252 b/w line. Duncan Number:6129. 2nd Impression 1929, Russian translation 1932
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