Glass Bibliography

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Polley, R. L. (1968). America's folk art: Treasures of american folk arts and crafts in distinguished museums and collections. US: Country Beautiful Corp. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2010-12-21 14:22:15)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2010-12-21 14:23:42)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Polley1968a
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Categories: General (US)
Keywords: History
Creators: Polley
Publisher: Country Beautiful Corp. (US)
Views: 5/769
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Popularity index: 4.75%
Items of wood, iron, pewter, brass, tin, ship figureheads, glass, weathervanes, toys. Furniture, textile and painting described in historical context. Introduction by James A.H. Conrad. 193 pages b/w colour
Added by: biblioadmin  Last edited by: biblioadmin
wikindx 6.0.8 ©2003-2020 | Total resources: 1864 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Database queries: 48 | DB execution: 0.12741 secs | Script execution: 0.60470 secs