Glass Bibliography

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O'Connor, T. D. (Ed.). (2001). Glass collector's digest. vol 14 no. 6. USA: Glass Press. 
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Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: OConnor2001b
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Categories: Journals, Magazines
Creators: O'Connor
Publisher: Glass Press (USA)
Views: 5/874
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Popularity index: 5.5%
Contents: Honesdale Decorating Company By Jim Miller - Poetry In Crystal - Carder Steuben Glass by Robert Mueller - The Burmese Cruet - Seldom Seen - Seldom Found by John Sewell - Imperial’s Tradition - The Colorful Third in the Trio by Richard G. Racheter - Overshot Glass by Stan and Arlene Weitman - Old Abe, The Battle Eagle by Ruth Van Goor - Seneca Glass Company by Jeffrey B. Snyder 96 pages
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