Glass Bibliography

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O'Connor, T. D. (Ed.). (2001). Glass collector's digest. vol 14 no. 5. USA: Glass Press. 
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Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: OConnor2001a
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Categories: Journals, Magazines
Creators: O'Connor
Publisher: Glass Press (USA)
Views: 2/795
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Popularity index: 5%
Contents: C. F. Monroe and the Parker Salts by Bob and Carole Bruce - Please, Don't Pass the Sugar Basin by Dr. James S. Measell - Val St. Lambert by Mark Pickvet - Stretch, that "Other" Iridescent Glass by Helen and Robert Jones - New England Pomona, Portrait of a 19th-Century Art Glass, Part 2 by Beatrice Scheer Smith - Nineteenth Century Bread Trays by Faith Corrigan 96 pages
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