Glass Bibliography

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Anon. (Ed.). (2001). The journal of the glass association volume 6. UK: Glass Association. 
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Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Anon2001a
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Categories: Journals, Magazines
Creators: Anon.
Publisher: Glass Association (UK)
Views: 7/966
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Popularity index: 6%
Contents: Anglo-Dutch Drinking Glasses: A Comparison of Early 17th Century Material Culture. - The Ordnance Survey and the Use of Glass. - The Sunderland Glass Services: A Reappraisal. - Uranium Glass. - The Hartley Glassmaking Inheritance in Sunderland: A Brief History. - Celtic Saints, Stormy Seas and Good Shepherds: The West Coast Windows of Douglas Strachan. - Scratching the Surface: A View of Contemporary Surface Decoration. - Wilhelm Pohl: A Postscript. - 94 pages b/w colour ISBN Number: 0951073656.
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