Glass Bibliography

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Thistlewood, G., & Thistlewood, S. (2005). Volume 1 - victoria to george v. On Sowerby's Ellison Glass Works [CD-ROM]. UK: Authors Edition. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2010-12-17 14:56:28)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2010-12-17 15:58:28)
Resource type: Audiovisual
BibTeX citation key: Thistlewood2005b
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Categories: Art Glass, General (Europe), Glassmakers (Europe), Thematic Glass
Creators: Thistlewood, Thistlewood
Publisher: Authors Edition (UK)
Views: 8/1141
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Popularity index: 7%
The first in a series of three "electronic books" from glass authors, Glen and Stephen Thistlewood, "Sowerby's Ellison Glass Works - From Victoria to George V" is a new and totally unique resource that contains a wealth of original catalog, text and photographic information on Sowerby. On this user-friendly CD-ROM are almost 100 full pages from five different Sowerby catalogs (known as Illustrated Pattern Books) spanning the years 1882 through to 1912. With this wonderful resource you can see in superb detail, the amazing array of patterns and shapes that Sowerby produced during this era.
Added by: biblioadmin  Last edited by: biblioadmin
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