Glass Bibliography

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Turnbull, J. (2001). The scottish glassmaking industry 1610-1750: To serve the whole nation with glass (). Scotland: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-02-04 16:11:04)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-02-04 16:19:31)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0903903180
BibTeX citation key: Turnbull2001
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Categories: General
Keywords: 1600s, 1700s, Archaeology, George Hay, Leith, MorisonÅ› Haven, Robert Mansell, Scotland, Wemyss
Creators: Shepherd, Turnbull
Publisher: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Scotland)
Views: 7/1474
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Popularity index: 11%
Glassmaking was one of the earliest manufacturing industries to be set up in Scotland, but one about which little information has been published. This volume aims to rectify that situation by documenting the early days of Scottish glass production from the granting of the first patent of monopoly in 1610 up to the mid-18th century. Initial chapters describe the techniques of glassmaking and levels of Scottish glass consumption, going on to chart the individual histories of all the main glasshouses and their products - from wine glasses and bottles to mirrors and window glass. Economic issues facing those attempting to establish new industries in 17th-century Scotland are examined, as are contemporary business practices and the impact of the Union of 1707. The text draws together research into a wide range of Scottish and English documents, industrial, legal and domestic. As well as the history of an industry, this is a book about people: the workforce - Scots, English and Italian immigrants - and the individual industrialists and entrepreneurs who made it possible to 'serve the whole nation with glass'.
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