Glass Bibliography

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Altmann, J. P. (1957). Fachkunde der glasmalerei und ätzerei: Geschichte und praxis. Wien, Austria: Zeitschriftenverlag Poyer & Co. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-02-03 21:30:04)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-02-03 21:31:42)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Altmann1957
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Categories: General, Glass Technology
Keywords: 1950s, Acid etching, Austria, Decorating, Education, Enamelling, History, Kramsach, Practical, staatfachschule
Creators: Altmann
Publisher: Zeitschriftenverlag Poyer & Co. (Wien, Austria)
Views: 13/1603
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Popularity index: 11.5%
German text.

Detailed history of painted glass with b/w pictures of glass from 1400-1800s then tease the reader with 4 stunning pieces from the school. 3 painted and one acid etched, before launching a detailed explanation of techniques, tools and equipment.

The author was teaching at the Steinschönau school in Böhnmen, but is now (1957) teaching at the Kramsach school in the Tyrol Austria

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