Glass Bibliography

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Taves, N., & Jennings, D. (2007). Slag & marble glass: The prominent years 1959-1985, imperial, westmoreland, l. USA: Schiffer Publishing. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-02-02 20:33:11)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-02-02 20:42:57)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 076432652X
BibTeX citation key: Taves2007
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Categories: General (US), Thematic Glass
Keywords: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Fenton, Friggers, Imperial, L.G. Wright, Slag, Westmoreland, Whimsies
Creators: Jennings, Taves
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing (USA)
Views: 10/1334
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Popularity index: 9.75%
While giving good coverage of the topic it has omissions, particularly figural and animals.

Publishers description:

Explores slag and marble glass from its four major producers; the Imperial Glass Corp., Westmoreland Glass Co., L. G. Wright Glass Co., and the Fenton Art Glass Co-and others. The "Golden Age" of modern slag glass, when it was used for both table pieces and decorative items, is displayed in over 570 beautiful color photos showing over 900 pieces. This book is densely packed with well-researched information on all documented pieces. It is smartly organized by company and category, making use of this excellent book extremely easy. Also, many test and whimsey items are included. Photo captions include production years, mold names and numbers, sizes, factory marks, colors made, and values. A chapter on additional companies that produced slag glass is also included. Information on reproductions will help readers determine what colors and marks can be found on newer items.

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