Glass Bibliography

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Warmus, W., & Buechner, T. S. (1981). Czechoslovakian diary: 1980 : 23 glassmakers. NY, USA: Corning Museum of Glass. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-02-02 15:20:18)   
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0872901025
BibTeX citation key: Warmus1981
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Categories: General (Europe), UNCHECKED IMPORTS
Keywords: Czech, Czech Republic, Drobnik, Exhibition, Exnar, Kepka, Novak
Creators: Buechner, Warmus
Publisher: Corning Museum of Glass (NY, USA)
Views: 6/1275
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Popularity index: 9.5%
Diary and photographs of visits to the 23 artists chosen for inclusion in the Corning exhibition "Czechoslovakian Glass". Pamphlet 16 pages b/w. Artists: Kepka, Antonin Drobnik, Bretislav Novak, Jan Exnar,
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