Glass Bibliography

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Vincent, K. (1975). Nailsea glass. UK: David & Charles. 
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Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0715368079
BibTeX citation key: Vincent1975
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Categories: Bottles and Scents, Glassmakers (Europe)
Keywords: Bottles, Bristol, England, Flasks, Friggers, Nailsea, Whimsies
Creators: Vincent
Publisher: David & Charles (UK)
Views: 9/1284
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Popularity index: 9.5%
History 1788-1873 - The Glassmakers, Classification of Nailsea Glass, Ancestry and Influences, The Ware. Flasks, bottles, rolling pins, walking sticks, friggers, etc. 112 pages 118 b/w. see also Smith, Andrew F. 2004.
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