Glass Bibliography

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Garner, P. (1976). Emile gallé. London, UK: Academy Editions. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-29 18:18:00)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-29 18:20:50)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1854900250
BibTeX citation key: Garner1976
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Categories: Art Glass, Art Nouveau/Deco, Glassmakers (Europe)
Keywords: France, Gallé
Creators: Garner
Publisher: Academy Editions (London, UK)
Views: 6/1295
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Popularity index: 9.5%
Detailed study of Gallé and his art in glass, wood and pottery.

167 pages hardback 160 b/w 34 colour.

Editions/printings: 1979, 3rd 1984, Revised 55 colour 1990, Rizzoli US 1976, 1979, 1983, 1990, Electa Editrice Italy 1997, Prestel, Germany, 1979, Flammarion France 1977.

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