Glass Bibliography

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Bates-Renaud, K. (Director) (1996). Paul stankard "inventing illusions" [Film]. C. Quinn (Producer). USA: FAB Productions. 
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Resource type: Film
BibTeX citation key: BatesRenaud1996
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Categories: Glassmakers (USA), Paperweights
Keywords: Figural, Flamework, Lampwork, Paperweights, Stankard
Creators: Bates-Renaud, Quinn
Publisher: FAB Productions
Views: 6/1263
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Popularity index: 9.25%
PAL format video with interviews of Stankard and collectors. Stankard making a coronet flower, a root person, word canes, and an orchid for paperweights. Stankard’s daughter Christine making a damsel fly.
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