Glass Bibliography

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Bles, J., & Rackham, B. (1924). Rare english glasses of the xvii and xviii centuries. UK: Geoffrey Bles. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-28 23:50:30)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-29 00:09:51)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): Duncan 001272
BibTeX citation key: Bles1924
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Categories: General (Europe)
Keywords: 1600s, 1700s, Candlesticks, Commemorative goblets, Cordial glass, Enamelled Glass, Engraved Glass, Jacobite, Punchbowl, Sweetmeat, Tapersticks, Williamite, wine glass
Creators: Bles, Rackham
Publisher: Geoffrey Bles (UK)
Views: 12/1253
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Popularity index: 9.25%
Highly regarded and comprehensive catalogue raisonné, compared in Duncan to supplanting Hartshorne’s “Old English Glasses”, of the rarest and finest glass. Includes: Candlesticks and tapersticks, Commemorative goblets, Wine and cordial glasses, Punchbowls, Sweetmeat dishes, Williamite and Jacobite, Lead glass, Engraved and enamelled ware. Also a luxury edition of 100. 17th Century and 18th Century.

269 pages 100 b/w 147 photo.

Duncan Number: 1272.

Editions/printings: Houghton Mifflin US 250 copies only 1925.

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