Glass Bibliography

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Vanderhoeven, M. (1958). Verres romains tardifs et merovingiens du musee curtius. Liege, Belgium: Musee Curtius. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-27 20:56:45)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-27 20:57:52)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Vanderhoeven1958
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Categories: General (Europe)
Keywords: Ancient, Museum Collection, Roman
Creators: Vanderhoeven
Publisher: Musee Curtius (Liege, Belgium)
Views: 4/1149
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Popularity index: 8.5%
Catalogue 86 items of late Roman glass and Merovingian glass in the Musee Curtius. 87 pages 83 b/w. The collection by 19th century Alfred Baar and since 1900 his son Armand Baar was donated to the museum in 1946... eventually leading to this museum being designated Museum of Glass.
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