Glass Bibliography

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Winbolt, S. E. (1933). Wealden glass: The surrey-sussex glass industry (ad 1226-1615). Hove, UK: Combridges. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-27 17:33:58)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-27 17:49:11)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Winbolt1933
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Categories: General (Europe)
Keywords: 1200s, 1300s, 1400s, 1500s, 1600s, British, England, Glass Making, History, Huguenots, Roman
Creators: Winbolt
Publisher: Combridges (Hove, UK)
Views: 8/1137
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Popularity index: 8.25%
Includes introductory chapter on Egyptian, Roman and Saxon glass and chapters on:
  • The Normandy Settlers (1226-1567);
  • CarrĂ© & Co and the Huguenots (1567-1575);
  • The Departure of the Huguenots;
  • Glass in Kent and other Counties;
  • Glasshouse sites;
  • Technique of Glassmaking.

Appendices include translations of the glass treatises of Theophilus, Peder Mannson of Agricola. Includes details of the authors investigations near Chiddingfield. Edition limited to 500 copies.

94 pages 60 b/w line.

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