Glass Bibliography

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Lanmon, D. P., Schwind, A. P., Brill, R., Hanson, V. F., & Hume, I. N. (1990). John frederick amelung, early american glassmaker. USA: Corning / AUP. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-25 21:14:54)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-25 21:25:46)
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0872900754
BibTeX citation key: Lanmon1990
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Categories: Glassmakers (USA)
Keywords: 1700s, Amelung, America, History
Creators: Brill, Hanson, Hume, Lanmon, Schwind
Publisher: Corning / AUP (USA)
Views: 7/1208
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Popularity index: 9%
A book about a little-known glassmaker of the early America, 18th century. History of the factory at New Bremen. Updated edition from the Bicentennial Exhibition/Journal at Corning Museum in 1976: Journal of Glass Studies, vol. 18, 1976. 244 pages hardcover b/w.
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