Glass Bibliography

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McKearin, H. (1970). Bottles, flasks and dr. dyott. NY, USA: Crown Publishers. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-23 22:56:50)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-23 23:51:52)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: McKearin1970
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Categories: Bottles and Scents, Figural, Glassmakers (USA)
Keywords: America, Figural
Creators: McKearin
Publisher: Crown Publishers (NY, USA)
Views: 8/1133
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Popularity index: 8.25%
Dyott Was a Philadelphia druggist (Chemist) who became known for his patent medicines in the 19th Century. But it is his figural bottles and flasks made at his Dyottville Glass Factory that this book covers. 160 pages b/w.
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