Glass Bibliography

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McKearin, H., & McKearin, G. S. (1949). Two hundred years of american blown glass. NY, USA: Crown Publishers. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2013-01-23 22:50:59)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2013-01-23 23:49:42)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: McKearin1949
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Categories: General (US)
Keywords: 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, America, History
Creators: McKearin, McKearin
Publisher: Crown Publishers (NY, USA)
Views: 7/1152
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Popularity index: 8.5%
The development of blown glassmaking from colonial days to 1940. John Frederick Amelung is well featured. Other chapters include:
  1. The Ancestry of American Glass;
  2. Glassmaking in the Colonies;
  3. Glassmaking from 1780 to 1800;
  4. Glassmaking in the Critical Period from 1800 to 1830;
  5. The Making of Table and other Fine Wares in the Critical Period;
  6. Historical and Pictorial Flasks and Blown Three Mold Glass;
  7. Individual Pieces from Nineteenth-Century Bottle and Window Glasshouses;
  8. Notes on the Modern Renaissance of the Art of Glass.

382 pages 105 b/w 10 colour.

Editions/Printings: 1950, 1958, 10th 1962, 1966, Bonanza US 1966, 1969)

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