Glass Bibliography

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Koch, R. (1971). Louis c. tiffany's glass, bronzes, lamps: A complete collector's guide. NY, USA: Crown Publishers. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2011-10-29 15:16:43)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2011-10-29 15:20:28)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Koch1971a
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Categories: Art Nouveau/Deco, Glassmakers (USA), Trade Catalogues
Keywords: America, Lighting, Tiffany
Creators: Koch
Publisher: Crown Publishers (NY, USA)
Views: 5/1233
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Popularity index: 8.25%
Authoritative study. Including a complete 1906 Tiffany price list of almost 1500 items and a 1933 catalogue of 85 lamps & shades. 208 pages hardcover 350 b/w. Editions/printings: 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1989.
Added by: biblioadmin  Last edited by: biblioadmin
wikindx 6.0.8 ©2003-2020 | Total resources: 1864 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Database queries: 52 | DB execution: 0.24206 secs | Script execution: 0.59809 secs