Glass Bibliography

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Virgo, H. (1994). Art on glass. London, UK: Guild of Glass Engravers. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2011-10-29 10:27:20)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2011-10-29 10:28:36)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Virgo1994a
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Categories: Exhibition Catalogues, Glass Art
Keywords: British, Czech, Engraved Glass, Exhibition
Creators: Virgo
Publisher: Guild of Glass Engravers (London, UK)
Views: 4/1177
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Popularity index: 7.75%
Catalogue with biographies from an exhibition by the Guild of Glass Engravers including work by leading glass sculptors from the Czech Republic held at the Economist Building, London. 24 pages 42 b/w.
Added by: biblioadmin  Last edited by: biblioadmin
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