Glass Bibliography

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Anon. (Ed.). (1986). Festival of engraved glass 1986: At the church of st. lawrence jewry-next-guildhall. UK: Guild of Glass Engravers. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2011-09-20 13:03:13)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2011-09-20 13:29:21)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Anon1986b
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Categories: Art Glass, Exhibition Catalogues, Glass Art, Glassmakers (Europe)
Keywords: , 1980s, Copperwheel, Decoration, Engraved Glass, Exhibition
Creators: Anon.
Publisher: Guild of Glass Engravers (UK)
Views: 11/973
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Popularity index: 6.5%
Exhibition catalogue that included work by Scottish engraver Denis Mann. 28 pages b/w.
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