Glass Bibliography

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Thistlewood, G., & Thistlewood, S. (2008). Volume 3: a pictorial compendium of sowerby's glass from victoria to elizabeth ii. On Sowerby's Ellison Glass Works [CD-ROM]. Authors Edition. 
Added by: biblioadmin (2010-12-17 14:56:27)   Last edited by: biblioadmin (2010-12-17 15:57:29)
Resource type: Audiovisual
BibTeX citation key: Thistlewood2008
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Categories: Art Glass, General (Europe), Glassmakers (Europe), Thematic Glass
Creators: Thistlewood, Thistlewood
Publisher: Authors Edition
Views: 6/1153
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Popularity index: 7.25%
An encyclopaedic presentation of Sowerby's Glass with a visual feast of full size colour photographs and explanatory text, featuring over a century of the Ellison Glass Works' production. Many rare items as well as familiar shapes and patterns, in an astonishing range of colours, including Slag (Malachite), Carnival, Ivory Queen's Ware, Vitro-Porcelain, Flint, Opalescent, Vaseline and much more. - ISBN Number: . Editions/printings: .
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