Glass Bibliography

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Adams, J. P. (1969). Bottle collecting in new england. USA: New Hampshire Publishing Co.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-26 15:37:25
Agadjanian, S., & Eikelberner, G. (1970). More american glass candy containers. USA: Authors edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-02-03 00:34:36
Bohne, I., & König, P. (1977). Bibliographie zur herstellung und veredelung des hohlglases. Berlin, Germany: Nationaler Museumsrat DDR.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-25 18:35:59
Greene, D. (1952). The glass works, rotherham 1751-1951. UK: Beatson, Clarke & Co.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-28 17:51:39
Matthews, R. T. (1967). Collection of old glass candy containers. USA: Authors edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-09-22 15:31:10
Moody, B. E. (1963). Packaging in glass. UK: Hutchinson Benham.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-26 15:16:47
Moore, M., & Moore, S. (2003). Swankyswigs. USA: Schiffer Publishing.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-02-04 20:36:14
Rensselaer, S. V. (1921). The checklist of early american bottles and flasks. USA: Authors edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-08-06 19:49:18
Rensselaer, S. V. (1926). Early american bottles and flasks. USA: Authors edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-08-06 19:41:34
Roerig, F., & Roerig, J. H. (1997). Collector's encyclopedia of cookie jars. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-09-22 15:12:10
Roerig, F., & Roerig, J. H. (1990). Collector's encyclopedia of cookie jars. vol. 1. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-09-22 15:11:01
Roerig, F., & Roerig, J. H. (1994). Collector's encyclopedia of cookie jars. vol. 2. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-09-22 15:07:15
Saldern, A. V., Oppenheim, L. A., Brill, R. H., & Barag, D. (1988). Glass and glass making in ancient mesopotamia: An edition of the cuneiform texts which contain instructions for glassmakers with a catalogue of surviving objects. NY, USA: Corning Museum of Glass.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-23 10:15:41
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