Glass Bibliography

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Displaying 261 - 280 of 1864 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
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Smith, F., & Smith, R. (1968). Miniature lamps ii Vol. 1. USA: Thomas Nelson & Sons.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 11:27:29
Smith, F., & Smith, R. (1968). Miniature lamps Vol. 1. USA: Thomas Nelson & Sons.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 11:31:14
Smith, J. P. (1995). James tassie 1735-1799, modeller in glass: A classical approach. London, UK: Mallet & Sons.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-29 09:18:06
Smith, R. W. (Ed.). (1957). Glass from the ancient world: The ray winfield smith collection. NY, USA: Corning Museum of Glass.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 11:36:05
Smith, B. (Ed.). (1978). Fine handmade table glassware 1949-1953, cambridge glass company. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 11:46:53
Smith, J. P., Sheppard, C. R. S., Smit, F. G. A. M., & Rietsma van Eck, P. C. (1990). Engraved glass masterpieces from holland: A collection of important works by the finest dutch engravers of the 17th & 18th centuries. published to coincide with an exhibition at the bond street antique dealer. London, UK: Mallet & Sons.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 15:57:41
Smith, D., & Smith, C. (1994). Cameo glass. UK: Broadfield House Glass Museum.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 13:06:08
Smith, R. W. (1970). The art of glass, exhibition catalogue. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 12:40:56
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1993). Uniquely dutch eighteenth century stipple engravings on glass. UK: Authors Edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 13:43:25
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1990). A stippled goblet in kulturen lund: A medal as model for stipple-engraving on glass. UK: Authors Edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 13:41:02
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1988). Frans greenwood 1680-1763: Dutch poet & glass engraver. UK: Authors Edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 13:37:50
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1998). Frans greenwood 1680-1763: Dutch poet & glass engraver. additions and corrections. UK: Authors Edition.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-02-02 15:29:18
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1988). Frans greenwood 1680-1763: Dutch poet & glass engraver. UK: Authors Edition.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-02-02 15:29:18
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1992). A concise catalogue of 18th century wine glasses wheel-engraved and signed by jacob sang. Authors Edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-18 13:20:05
Smit, F. G. A. M. (1987). The art of glass on stamps. Smitsonian Books UK.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 13:46:18
Sloan, J. (1989). Perfume and scent bottle collecting with prices. US: Gage Learning Corporation, US.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-26 15:20:20
Sleen, V. D. W. G. N. (1967). A handbook on beads. Belgium: Librairie Halbert, Liege.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-18 15:16:53
Slack, R. (1987). English pressed glass 1830-1900. UK: Barrie & Jenkins.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-22 14:06:35
Skelley, L. D. (1937). Modern fine glass. USA: Richard R Smith.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-02-01 22:37:05
Singelenberg, V. D. M. M. (1980). Nederlandse keramiek en glasmerken 1880-1940. Netherlands: De Tijdstroom.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-30 23:52:27
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wikindx 6.0.8 ©2003-2020 | Total resources: 1864 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Database queries: 23 | DB execution: 0.41180 secs | Script execution: 0.61992 secs