Glass Bibliography

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Displaying 81 - 100 of 1864 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
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Whistler, L. (1975). The image on the glass. UK: Murray/Cupid.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-29 00:40:34
Whistler, L. (1985). Fifty years on glass. UK: Iveagh Bequest, GLC and Ashmolean.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-29 00:40:34
Whistler, L. (1987). Enter. UK: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-29 00:40:34
Whistler, L. (1959). Engraved glass 1952-1958. UK: Rupert Hart-Davis.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-29 00:40:34
Wheatley, E. (1996). Collectible glass shoes. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-09-22 13:41:32
Weyl, W. A. (1951). Coloured glasses. UK: Society of Glass Technology.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-09-20 17:15:14
Wetzel-Tomalka, M. M. (1995). Candlewick: The jewel of imperial, vol 2. USA: Authors edition.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-29 21:25:28
Wetzel, M. M. (1981). Candlewick: The jewel of imperial. USA: Authors edition.  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-01-29 21:28:10
Westropp, M. S. D. (1920). Irish glass: An account of glass-making in ireland from the xvith century to the present day. UK: Herbert Jenkins.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-29 06:54:14
West, M. (1994). Miller's antiques checklist: Glass. UK: Miller's Publications.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2013-01-27 16:57:18
Wendt, F., Karlsen, A., Tiedmann, A., Zilliacus, B., Aars, F., & Skawonius, S. E. (1961). Treasury of scandinavian design. US: Golden Press.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-02 12:25:26
Wendt, F., Karlsen, A., Tiedmann, A., Zilliacus, B., Aars, F., & Skawonius, S. E. (1961). Hjemmets brugskunst. kunsthåndværk og kunstindustri i norden. Denmark: Hassings Forlag.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-02 12:19:44
Welker, M., Welker, L., & Welker, L. (1974). Cambridge glass co. book ii. USA: Authors edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-23 15:36:04
Welker, M., Welker, L., & Welker, L. (1970). Cambridge glass co. book i. USA: Authors edition.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-23 15:37:13
Weitman, S., & Weitman, A. (1997). Crackle glass: Identification and value guide, vol. 2 Vol. 2. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-22 15:18:58
Weitman, S., & Weitman, A. (1995). Crackle glass: Identification and value guide, vol. 1 Vol. 1. USA: Collectors Books.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2011-10-22 15:20:18
Weiss, G. (1966). Ullstein gläserbuch. eine kultur- und technikgeschichte des glases. Germany: Verlag Ullstein GmbH.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-26 09:03:33
Weiss, G. (1971). The book of glass J. Seligman, Trans. US & UK: Praeger, NY. Barrie & Jenkins.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-26 09:00:54
Weiss, G. (1968). Antiek glas oudheid tot en met jugendstil. Netherlands: Elsevier.  
Last edited by: biblioadmin 2010-12-26 09:02:32
Weir (Photographer), T. 1973, JanuaryMr harold gordon, glass-engraver, forres. The Scots Magazine, 98,  
Added by: biblioadmin 2013-02-03 21:43:05
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