Glass Bibliography

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Anon. (Ed.). (1990). L'association internationale pour l'histoire du verre. annales du 11e congress. Belgium: AIHV, Liege. 
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Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Anon1990b
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Categories: Journals, Magazines
Creators: Anon.
Publisher: AIHV, Liege (Belgium)
Views: 4/830
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Popularity index: 5.25%
Basel 1988. Bronze Age Glass in Europe, Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Glass in Czechoslovakia, Prelude to Hellenistic Gold-glass, The Composition of Roman Glass, Mythological Beakers, Roman Glass in South West Spain, Late Roman Cameo Glass, Red Marbled Glass Roman to Carolingian, Glass Window Fragments from Khirbet Al-Mafjar, Ancient glass in Korea. 566 pages b/w. ISBN Number: 907229002X.
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