Glass Bibliography

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Ashdown, C. H., & Tippetts, P. W. B. (1919). History of the worshipful company of glaziers of the city of london, otherwise the company of glaziers and painters of glass. UK: Blades, East & Blades. 
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Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): Duncan 000399
BibTeX citation key: Ashdown1919
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Categories: General, UNCHECKED IMPORTS
Keywords: History, Society
Creators: Ashdown, Tippetts
Publisher: Blades, East & Blades (UK)
Views: 9/1381
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Popularity index: 10%
English 'club' for glass-makers. 168 pages 8 b/w. Duncan Number: 399. See Lane, London and Trollope for 1919-1999 q.v.
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