Glass Bibliography

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Dawes, N. M. (1986). Lalique glass. UK: Viking Books - Penguin Books Ltd. 
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Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0670811955
BibTeX citation key: Dawes1986
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Categories: Art Glass, Art Nouveau/Deco, Glassmakers (Europe)
Keywords: Beginners, France, Lalique
Creators: Dawes
Publisher: Viking Books - Penguin Books Ltd (UK)
Views: 9/1204
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Popularity index: 8.75%
A good starter on Lalique. Techniques, innovations, influences and inspirations of the Lalique artists from the turn of the century. Includes advice on fakes and forgeries. 152 pages 125 colour 125 b/w. Editions/printings: Crown Publishers Inc. US 1986, 1993.
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